发布时间: 2016-12-06 01:08:21 浏览次数: 供稿:数学系
讲座时间:2016-12-16 08:30:00




邀请人:数学系 朱晓宝

Email: zhuxiaobao@amss.ac.cn



Time: 8:30~9:30

Place: 0343 room, Xinxi Building, RUC

Title: The conical K\"ahler-Ricci flow with weak initial data on Fano manifolds

Abstract: In this talk, I will show the long-time existence, uniqueness and regularity of the conical K\"ahler-Ricci flow with weak initial data which admits L^p-density for some p>1. Furthermore, I will talk about the convergence behavior of this flow on Fano manifolds. This is a joint work with professor Xi Zhang.


Time: 9:35~10:35

Place: 0343 room, Xinxi Building, RUC

Title: Non existence of quasi-harmonic spheres

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres from $R^m$ (m>2). We showed that there is no nonconstant quasi-harmonic sphere if the universal covering of the target manifold admits a positive strictly convex function which is of some exponential growth. This is a joint work with Prof. Li Jiayu.


Time: 10:40~11:40

Place: 0343 room, Xinxi Building, RUC

Title: The strict convexity of spacetime level sets of solutions to the heat equation in convex rings

Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the studies of convexity of solutions, especially the constant rank theorem method. By combining the constant rank theorem method with a deformation process, we can obtain the strict convexity of spacetime level sets of solutions to the heat equation in convex rings, when the initial data is spatially quasiconcave and subharmonic. This is a joint work with Prof. Xinan Ma and Paolo Salani.
